Call for the yoga is the spontaneous inner urge to take this path. It may declare itself as an aspiration or else an inner intuitive recognition of the Divine Mother and a spontaneous turning towards Her. Or it may come as a faith in Sri Aurobindo and his teachings or an inner conviction that this is the truth that one is seeking. It is an inner intuitive feeling rather than any outer initiation. The most characteristic sign is that one spontaneously recognises the Divine in the Master (the Mother in this yoga) who is meant to lead us. This inner recognition itself indicates that this is the path we are meant to take.
The Guidance comes in a number of ways since the Divine can use anything for his purposes. One has a question and quite unexpectedly one comes across a phrase, a passage, a word from somewhere or someone and u know that this is the answer one is looking for. Later as the consciousness grows one begins to become aware of a deeper consciousness which is full of Peace. One also becomes aware of what actions lead to a veiling of that wonderful inner state and what deepens it further. Still later the psychic being, the little personal divinity in us begins to emerge and a more direct and clear perception of what should be done and what should not be is indicated by a gentle inner sense of a direction to be followed. This way one grows naturally organically into the ways of the Spirit. Of course the outer Guidance of a living realised Master is irreplaceable but the outer Guidance itself is meant to lead us to the point where we are able to perceive the Master within and receive the Divine Influence and Guidance from within.
The popular notion that the living Master is meant to solve our outer problems and take decisions on issues of success in job and marriage etc is a common misconception. The Master is not here to guarantee success in our outer life, though often it may happen by His Compassion and Grace, especially for those who completely depend upon Him. But what He does ensure is our spiritual success and if failure helps and hastens us towards the Goal, He may well carry us through that.
About Savitri | B1C2-10 Condition of the World (p.18)