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At the Feet of The Mother

A Circular Motion of the Yoga

The yoga moves in a circular manner touching one point after another until all in us awakens to the necessity of change. Thus, for example, a central sincerity may awaken within us towards the aim of the yoga but the mind may continue with its endless justifications rather than looking at one’s movements honestly. Even after the mind has stopped this habit of justifications and knows the weak spots, the vital will may be weak and refuse to follow the right movement. The heart itself may experience a division of sorts wherein one part gives itself to the Mother, a deepest innermost part connected closely with the psychic whereas the surface emotions continue to be tied to old patterns of feelings. It takes long for the nature to be prepared and purified. It does not happen in one block and hence the need for faith and endurance and patient trust and perseverance and all the rest for this yoga of transformation of nature.

As the Mother put it clearly that ‘Victory comes to the most persevering.’ Only those who refuse to give up despite all difficulties and oppositions arising from fields of nature go through. Of course, eventually all who have turned to the Mother and have been drawn to the yoga with a centrally sincere aspiration (yoga for the yoga and not to satisfy some ambition) but then the process may extend for a few lives.

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