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At the Feet of The Mother

A Day Spent in Gratitude

The hours of reflection to which we have been invited by the wisdom of an adverse fate needs to be complemented with some kind of a daily routine. This is an excellent opportunity to reset our clocks, our sleep-wake cycle, our daily exercises and moments of rest so as to weave them into a harmonious pattern. Of course we have to do it keeping in mind the regular work related to our vocation that is going to return once we are back into the fray of life. Yet some habits can be gainfully corrected.

It is also time to read some of the inspiring books that we have always wanted to but could not. Equally we can cultivate a hobby that has always interested us. It is perhaps time to mend our strained relationships, not only with fellow human beings but also with the world of plants and animals and all else that exists around us. Above all it is time to experience each moment with a breath full of gratitude and thanksgiving since we are still here.

An extra day has been given to us to change our life, to make our aspiration grow, to make our consecration more perfect, in short to make our life a shade better. It is time that we begin to value the things that we took for granted, be it a morsel of food or the plant in our house that gave us fresh air to breath, the workers who continue to serve humanity in countless ways through this crisis. Each waft of fresh breeze can be a breath of gratitude for us.

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