Book Six is the book of Fate. It starts with the arrival of Narad in the palace of Kind Aswapati, his prophesy about Savitri’s choice of Satyavan for her betrothal. A dialogue ensues thence first, between the queen and Savitri to dissuade her from the promise and the choice. Since Savitri stays adamant to her choice, there is a conversation between the Queen, the seer king Aswapati and Narad seeking answers to the various aspects of fate. Narad deftly answers them starting from the basics of fate but always leading deeper and higher, revealing greater and greater all-encompassing Wisdom about the ways of Destiny and the possibilities before man. The Book closes with his final hints about Savitri and her divine mission. Rest of the story remains yet to unfold and is written in the soul of Savitri and the choices she would make.
Audio in English
A weekly sharing on Savitri with Dr Alok Pandey