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At the Feet of The Mother

August 15, 2024

Songs of the Soul

Om Sri Aurobindo Mirra

Lord, Sri Aurobindo, we offer the salutation of our entire being to Thee.

Thou art the greatest of the great, mightier and more majestic than the Himalayas, grander than the galaxies, higher than the highest mountain summits, deeper than the Atlantic, vaster than the universe, brighter than our brightest suns put together, soothing as the gentle breeze in summer, more delightful than the full moon, tranquil as the clear pallid lake, , softer than the Rose petals, stronger than diamond, purer than Ganga in her heavenly home, gentle and fragrant as the lotus, more forbearing and patient than the earth, silent as Space and free as Time.

Thou art the final culmination of the line of Avatars, the supreme consummation of man’s spiritual quest for the Ultimate, the Lord of Yoga, the Vision of the Seer, the Master of man and his infinite lover, sole Beloved, the Friend forever and the unerring Guide, the charioteer of India’s destiny and the world’s, champion of the ultimate freedom, the prophet of human unity, the giver of the key to brotherhood.

Thou art the embodied Compassion and incarnate Hope, the Divine Author and the Seer Poet, the flame of sacrifice,  the undying love, the shadowless Light.

To Thee our infinite gratitude….

May we melt and merge with Thee and all our lives and every breath and each heartbeat and all we think and feel and do be completely consecrated to Thy Service.  May all in us in all entirety belong only and only to Thee and all be given to Thy Work and all become Thy Worship.

Om Mother Sri Aurobindo is our refuge.

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