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At the Feet of The Mother

Is full Divine Manifestation in physical world inevitable?

Q: I don’t see a logic behind the evolution and God’s final manifestation in matter. While Sri Aurobindo says the final goal of physical creation is Eternal Supramental Perfect Manifestation, the question arises how is it that none of the previous Universes before ours actually arrived at it! Why nobody asked Sri Aurobindo that question while he was alive is another puzzling conundrum!
God absolutely has zero obligation to manifest his fullness here in the physical world if (as expressed in traditional Hindu knowledge) this physical world was always meant to give souls initial experience of lower stages of consciousness before they proceed to higher worlds where the Divine is already manifested. So it may never get transformed into a Paradise as we hope. Please comment.

ALOKDA: Well, God may not intend a Divine Manifestation here and the whole purpose of evolution may be to reach a point from where one is hooked up to some higher world. This question has been discussed by Sri Aurobindo in different ways. This idea of ascension of beings who are ready through the evolutionary process into some higher plane is no doubt very lucrative and appealing to a kind of mysticism.

But there has always been another side of mystic endeavour since the time of the Vedas. It is to make life here upon earth perfect. This aspiration would be a meaningless absurdity if God intended Earth to be only a preparation for a post mortem salvation as certain religions say. How would one know in the absence of hearing God’s direct Command? We come back to the same point. Either we can trust Sri Aurobindo that if he says that this is the Divine Intent in creation then it is so. Or else one feels the aspiration in one’s heart and takes this aspiration as the sign of the Divine Intent in the individual at least.

Other than these two ways, it is doubtful that the matter of God’s final Intent can be decided by any kind of logic. At best we can find hints, and if we look at evolution itself, the hint is towards a growing perfection and manifestation here itself upon earth. It is difficult to conceive that all this many-sided evolutionary labour and the hard material passage and toil through evil and suffering is to end abruptly with a queer and clumsy unsettled product that man presently is. That is much more likely and conceivable that these are intermediary stages of a process whose far end is yet to be revealed.

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