The Mother has created spaces charged with Her Consciousness so that those, who wish to remain enveloped in Her atmosphere and breath Her air, can go there, ‘recharge their batteries’ and return back rejuvenated. Herein we find the significance of the Ashram with the Samadhi, charged with the supramental vibrations, a fact to which countless sadhakas would testify. There are other places as well, such as Auroville and Centers, especially Relic Centers that provide a luminous divine ambience for the sadhaka to practice the yoga. It is up to each of us to use them to strengthen our core that is turned towards the yoga through faith, devotion and aspiration. It is a great mistake of the modern mind to regard these places as some kind of a cult or sect. Cults and sects exist in the mind of man, and a person living alone may live under a sectarian belief, whereas one engaged in constant prayer and worship turned towards the Master may be freed completely from all man-made and mind-made bonds of ignorance, including limitations of belief and practices. His sheer love for the Master that has drawn him even outwardly, converts his limited human consciousness into a communion and consequent union with the Divine Consciousness of the Master.
After the gospel of Death, now Savitri starts the gospel of God.