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At the Feet of The Mother

Should one read the Mother’s Agenda?

Q: I heard different opinions about the Mother’s Agenda. Should a devotee read it?

A: The short answer is yes one should read the Agenda because it contains some very important aspects of Her life and work that one does not find elsewhere. However it is best to read it after one has read Her earlier works, at least the Conversations and Prayers and Meditations. The Agenda contains the aspect of sadhana during the physical transformation and portions of Her life as connected with this work. To read it prematurely (or as some do only) may give an erroneous impression of what the yoga is about.

Secondly should also remember that the Agenda contains quite a few remarks and impressions of Satprem to which the Mother responded in a certain contextual way. This contains Her remarks about some disciples about whom the Mother has said very different things at different times. Reading about them only through the Agenda gives a very skewed idea about them.

Thirdly, the last bit about the Mother’s physical withdrawal was written by Satprem in a state of personal anguish and anger and hence should not be taken as a gospel of Truth. He was not personally present during the last 6 months and the account of those present and intimately involved is different in many respects.

All in all it is a gold mine but with mixtures due to the very nature of the conversation, mainly with one particular disciple. One has to have the discernment to discard the mixture which is often not easy as it gets blended with the conversation or is prompted by the disciple with a clear motivated intention. If one can discern between the two and keep mainly to Her Yoga and Life as recounted in the Agenda then it is no doubt a very useful document. Though portions of the Agenda are published in Collected Works of the Mother Volume 10 and 11 which contains most of the important milestones, yet there are interesting links missing which one finds in the Agenda.

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