Maa, Mother Divine, all our being lies prostrate and surrendered to Thee, at Thy Feet, in Thy Service.
A mixture of the animal past and the human present we carry within us the seeds of the future that Thou hast planted in the soil of our human nature. Maa, may these seeds of the New Creation sprout watered by the streams of Thy Love, lifted up by the rays of Thy Light, permeated and nourished by the Breath of Thy Grace.
Maa may the human in us be uplifted, transformed by Thy Hands of Mercy and Love. May the animal in us become Thy faithful servitor, Thy vehicle for the Divine Force to ride. And may this body become more and more Thy translucent lamp for Thy Light to radiate, a channel opal and hyaline for Thy Divine Forces to pour upon earth.
Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa
About Savitri | B1C2-13 The Godhead Behind Nature’s Machinery (pp.20-21)