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At the Feet of The Mother

Dealing with Fear (1)

Fear is one of the greatest impurities. It arises due to many reasons but at the root of it is a lack of trust in the Grace.  This lack of trust is there in the most material and subconscient parts of our being. When these parts take the lead in our life then fear becomes prominent and faith, which is the light of the soul, gets clouded. It generally enters us through the subconscient parts and can be felt rising up from the knees to the abdomen.  There is an actual feeling of weakness in the legs and knees when fear enters. Because the masses of mankind act under the sway of the subconscient fear can easily enter through collective suggestions unless we are strongly individualised.

Fear can occupy any part of our being. It can be felt in the body as weakness and trembling of knees.  It can be felt in the vital as abdominal uneasiness and the tendency to shrink from certain activities. It can be felt emotionally as palpitations and breathlessness as also the sense of feeling emotionally vulnerable. It can be felt mentally as heaviness of head, fearful thoughts, thinking about the worst.

Physical fear goes by training and disciplining the body through yogasanas and deep breathing exercises.  This also helps overcome vital fear. Emotional fears can go by turning emotions to God through bhakti, trust and surrender.  Mental fears leave as we know and understand the nature of that which we fear.

A true remedy is the growth of faith. Faith can be increased by asking for it from the Mother.  Faith naturally grows as we go nearer to our soul. But the simplest is to call the Mother’s Name.

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