Film presents various activities of the Ashram in those early days. We also have many glimpses of the Divine Mother with the children and Her active participation in the ashram life during this time, now known as the “Golden Period of the Ashram”. We see the Mother taking classes, taking keen interest in the Physical Education activities, participation in the daily lives of all Her children.
The documentary was filmed around 1952 on 16 mm media. It is said that it was Dyuman-da’s ideas and fundraising that made this film a reality. Made with a very simple equipment and infrastructure, by today’s standards films is lacking visual and audio quality, but the visuals of the Mother are of great historical, archival and spiritual value for all the devotees.
Duration of a full video is around 75 minutes, with Parts 1-2 covering the first 40 minutes.
About Savitri | B1C2-10 Condition of the World (p.18)