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At the Feet of The Mother

Inner Organization

The life I live here may appear to be dull, idle and empty from the outside; but in reality it is much more busy, full, and joyous for me than it was ever before in my life.

In the past I was being blindly driven by the forces of Nature, and I ignorantly mistook the hustle of these forces to be my busy life. Now I am realising my own self, observing the forces that play in and around me, refusing to be a mere tool in their hands, sternly rejecting the lower impulses, calmly waiting for whatever comes from Thee, Mother. Every moment I have to be alert, watchful even in my sleep. In the inner organisation of my own self I have much more intensive and interesting work than when I was a helpless slave in the grip of alien forces.

Then, Mother, the more I empty myself of the lower things, the more Thou fillest me with Thy divine life. By Thy light Thou removest my darkness, by Thy inspiration Thou givest me enlightened work, by Thy love Thou hast made my life a heaven of divine joy.

In fact, life was never more rich, full, and happy for me than what I am living now under Thy grace and direct protection.

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