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At the Feet of The Mother

July 23, 1913

A Recitation of selected Prayers and Meditations of The Mother (AUDIO)

O LORD, O inconceivable Splendour, may Thy Beauty overflow the earth, may Thy Love be kindled in all hearts and the reign of Thy Peace be upon all.

A chant grave and profound, smiling and subtle, rises from my heart, and I do not know whether this chant travels from me towards Thee or from Thee towards me or whether Thou, I and the whole universe are this marvellous chant of which I have now become conscious. … There is certainly no more Thou, nor I, nor any separate and distinct universe: there is an immense harmony, sublime and infinite, which is everything and of which everything will become conscious, one day. It is the harmony of limitless Love, Love victor over all suffering and every obscurity.

By this law of Love, Thy Law, I would live more and more totally; to it I give myself without reserve.

And my being exults in an ineffable Peace.

 [* Here the text of 1948 edition is being used, which significantly differs from 1979 edition, published in Collected Works of the Mother, vol.1]

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