I housed within my heart the life of things,
All hearts athrob in the world I felt as mine;
I shared the joy that in creation sings
And drank its sorrow like a poignant wine.
I have felt the anger in another’s breast,
All passions poured through my world-self their waves;
One love I shared in a million bosoms expressed.
I am the beast man slays, the beast he saves.
I spread life’s burning wings of rapture and pain;
Black fire and gold fire strove towards one bliss:
I rose by them towards a supernal plane
Of power and love and deathless ecstasies.
A deep spiritual calm no touch can sway
Upholds the mystery of this Passion-play.
Notes on Text
8 August 1938, revised 22 March 1944. Two handwritten manuscripts.
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