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At the Feet of The Mother

My World: The Mother – by Shanti Doshi (VI)

Q: You said that my mind, vital and physical beings are controlled in a certain measure by the psychic. Does it mean that the psychic has come to the front?

A: All depends upon the measure of control. However, I do not think I wrote that this control is over the vital and the physical, but only on a part of the mind.


Q: Will my integral transformation be accomplished in this very birth?

A: This is not the time to reply to this question.


Q: Was I always with you in my previous lives?

A: The same; this is not the moment to reply to this question either.


I meant to say this control is directly over a part of the mind and through the mind over other parts of the being in the measure of their receptivity.


Ghosts exist most often in the imagination of people.


As for vital beings, if we have no fear they can do no harm. And with the divine protection what fear can one have? None.


Love and peace have not left you; it is you who see them no more. Most probably it is again the same force you speak of that tries to blind you.


Q: What is that force?

A: An adverse will that sends the suggestions. You must not believe its suggestions. That is all.


Naturally the more you will be yourself pure, luminous and unselfish, the more your actions will become effective and certain. My blessings and my light are with you.


Q: You say that a hostile will sends suggestions. But I see neither that will nor am I conscious of these suggestions. Will you please explain to me?

A: How do you say you are not conscious when you yourself write: “But often someone makes me blind and I do not see thy light.” What you call “someone” is what I call the adverse suggestions.



Q: I see only the result of those suggestions but not how they enter, how I receive them. I wish to know the process.

A: It makes a mental formation in affinity with the mentality of the person to be influenced. This formation remains in the mental atmosphere of the person in question and enters on the least occasion. If the person is not conscious enough or vigilant, he becomes conscious of that formation only when it has entered the brain and then he takes this formation for his own thought.


I think there is nothing to be worried about. You are not farther away from me than you ever were. There are always the same parts of your being which refuse to participate in the divine life; formerly you were not conscious but now, on the contrary, you have become more and more conscious, and the consciousness is a real progress, it is the way leading you to mastery.



Q: Then what should I do so that the lower parts participate in the divine life?

A: Educate them as you would educate the child.



Q: I know that what you do is always for my good.

A: Yes, in my action upon you it is exclusively your good that I see.



Q: I will feel you so near, so near that…

A: All the victories will be easy for me.



Q: Without haste, without agitation, I aspire for this reign over me.

A: It is good, and my help and blessings are always with you in your aspiration.


Q: Mother, what have I given to you this time?

A: Do you not know it yourself?



Q: Was it good for me to have gone for music at D’s?

A: It is not very useful to ask questions regarding things already done. If the effect has been bad, get over them; if good, keep them.



Q: P says she is afraid of you. I do not understand the reason.

A: Nor do I.



Q: When will I have the realisation of the Peace and Silence that I want so much?

A: Do not lose patience, it will come.



Q: If P has fear of you, how can she progress?

A: Certainly fear is a great obstacle on the path.



Q: All that I see around me surprises me. Where am I, O Mother?

A: On the earth.



Q: What kind of liberty does P seek? What does she find here as prison?

A: It is her vital that complains.

Q: Are we here to do yoga or to have full liberty to indulge in desires and ambitions?

A: This pretentious liberty which the vital claims is not at all liberty, it is slavery to desires and lower impulses.



Q: Mother, how can you like to stay here amidst this terrible obscurity and ignorance?

A: I am on earth because it is on earth that the Divine Work is to be done and not for any other reason.



Q: The whole world is suffering from ignorance and obscurity. When will the Light descend and remove all that?

A: Soon, I hope.



Q: Is it not true that barring a few exceptions, it is not easy for you to work as you wish in each person? There is always some resistance, some revolt.

A: Surely in almost all there is resistance and in many revolt.

Q: What should I do to let you work in me as you please? Do I not know it?

A: You know it, don’t you? All that remains is to do it.



Q: Let us advance, advance always without falling backwards.

A: Yes, one must always go ahead.



Q: Formerly I used to have periods of happiness, peace and love. But I do not have them for some time past. Why is it so?

A: In the children the psychic is often very much on the surface and makes the child happy and peaceful. As one grows, and the vital and the mind develop and take more importance, there begin the miseries and sorrow.



Q: This time I am not going to yield to the vital. I shall do my best to remain on your side.

A: Keep this attitude and we will be sure of imminent success.



Q: Y believes that his depression has come with your consent.

A: That is completely absurd. My will is, on the contrary, that each may advance always peacefully and regularly without ever falling back into lower states.



Q: P says she is here as if in prison; she has no freedom with you.

A: I never put anyone in prison.



Q: P insists on going into solitude. She says Sri Aurobindo would approve (though Mother’s reply is different).

SRI AUROBINDO: I have always disapproved of sadhaks retiring entirely and shutting themselves up like that. It tends to bring about a morbid inner condition.



Q: I write all this, but have you time to go through all these outpourings of restlessness?

A: I read them always.



Q: Did you write that I would live for the Divine, merely to encourage me?

A: No, I wrote that to you because I thought so.



Q: Is it very necessary to feel the atmosphere of others?

A: It is preferable not to feel it as long as one has not acquired the power to set right all adverse vibrations.



Q: Is it necessary to know the nature of the people with whom one may have to talk, in order to be on guard?

A: Evidently, when one mixes with people, it is preferable to know what they are.



Q: I want you to lead me hand in hand. I know it is difficult, but I want it at any cost.

A: In that case you are sure to have it, sooner or later.



Do not torment yourself; all will come in its time.



Q: My condition grows from bad to worse. I cannot place a single step forward.

A: At times, when one is not satisfied with oneself that is the moment when one makes the most progress.



Q: Would you tell me why my progress has stopped? Formerly I used to feel your Presence constantly.

A: I have already explained to you that the first contact with the Force gives the psychic being the power to dominate the consciousness and govern the being. But little by little, the other parts (mental, vital and physical) resume their old activities and the good condition gets veiled. One must resolve, with persistence, to recover it.



Q: Tell me what I must do to become like a child.

A: In the child the psychic life is not veiled by the mental life; being not formed he has great power to grow and progress in sufficient plasticity.



Q: What is “child path” in yoga?

A: The child’s path is one of trust without discussion, complete dependence, surrender without reserve.



Q: Did my psychic being ever have the power to control and govern my being and dominate the consciousness?

A: Yes, partially — from time to time.



Q: Do you think much ego is expressed in my movements and also pride?

A: The physical consciousness is always full of pride and ego.



Q: Do you think it good for me to take the path of the child?

A: The path of the child is always preferable, but it is not so easy because it should be taken spontaneously and in all sincerity.



Q: My whole being offers resistance; there is nothing on the surface that can love and trust in thee.

A: I think you exaggerate; it is not as bad as that.



Q: Is it not true that I live mostly in the physical consciousness?

A: Mostly, yes, but not always.



Q: Is it from the subconscient that all this obscurity arises?

A: Yes.



Q: I call thee, come and lift me up from this depression. I know it is the vital; it should not spread the depression.

A: I do not see any reasonable cause for this sadness; to me it appears an unreal thing, a kind of false imagination that has taken hold of you. Reject all — forthwith.



Yes, it is the vital that delights in its depression.



Q: How to prevent the vital from this pastime? It does not listen.

A: Strengthen your will.



Q: Can you not, please, pacify my vital and make it understand the truth?

A: So often it has been pacified, but each time it has shaken off the peace as a cloak of ennui.



Q: How to strengthen my love so as to conquer all desires and impulses that hinder my progress?

A: Concentrate on the psychic consciousness.

Q: Is it a want of confidence that delays the conversion of the vital?

A: Yes, undoubtedly.



Q: May I forget myself and become a simple, humble, plastic being who can be easily led! When will that be?

A: Soon, if your will to be that is persistent.



Q: Today I have understood that there are two Wills: one the divine Will and the other, the will as the human individual mother.

A: Absurd.

Q: The latter permits desires and satisfactions; the divine Will permits only such activities as are based on the divine Presence. Thus you have two wills.

A: It is absolutely false.



Q: All passes like a dream which ought to happen for a happier future.

A: Yes, you are right. This is how things pass here.



Q: Who observes that all passes like a dream?

A: The mental witness.



Q: Is it true that I have an ego to be a guru?

A: There is something of it somewhere in the vital mind.



Q: Do I understand whether my actions are according to thy will or contrary to it?

A: At times you discern correctly, at times you mistake.



Q: Where is your presence which I want so much? Once you were in my heart but now, in my blindness, I see you not. But you are there no doubt, when will the veil disappear? I look for you, but I do not find you.

A: Yes, you are right. I am there in your heart always but something in the external consciousness is too active, makes too much noise for you to be conscious of this presence. It is only in silence and tranquility that you can become aware of it.



Q: Is there any path on which one does not have to make effort at all?

A: I do not think so; but there are persons who make effort in a natural way without attaching much importance to it.



Q: By whom do you think I have been influenced?

A: By nobody in particular, but by all kinds of movements and passing forces.



I did not say persons, I said movements and forces and in order to free yourself from them you must enter into the consciousness where these forces are perfectible.



Q: May I do embroidery in my free time? It interests me.

A: No, it is not a men’s job.



Q: Though it is veiled now, the fact remains that I am your child and you are my mother. My heart has to open. Is it not so?

A: Surely, I am always there to help you and to lead you on the path.



to be continued…

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