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The Adventurer, pp. 248-249

Opening Remarks
This mind is an adventurer and an explorer. It is easily drawn towards the unknown and is also quick at weaving fantasy and imagination.

Ardent to find
Ardent to find, incapable to retain,
A brilliant instability was its mark,
To err its inborn trend, its native cue.

Though it is keen to find new things, it has neither the patience nor the perseverance to enter the depths. This innate instability and restlessness is its inborn trait making it prone to err in its conclusions.

Unreflecting credence
At once to an unreflecting credence prone,
It thought all true that flattered its own hopes;
It cherished golden nothings born of wish,
It snatched at the unreal for provender.

Credulous and unreflecting it leaps at appearances and takes things at its face values. It readily accepts as true things that are in sync with its wishful thinking or flatter its hopes. Its unrealistic wishes and fantasies become its provender.

Half seen verities
In darkness it discovered luminous shapes;
Peering into a shadow-hung half-light
It saw hued images scrawled on Fancy’s cave;
Or it swept in circles through conjecture’s night
And caught in imagination’s camera
Bright scenes of promise held by transient flares,
Fixed in life’s air the feet of hurrying dreams,
Kept prints of passing Forms and hooded Powers
And flash-images of half-seen verities.

It easily mixed truth and falsehood and saw luminous shapes in darkness in its shadowy light. Its fancies drew images in the mind and stone or it moved in circles of imagination and conjecture where it found promise and hope. All that caught its passing fancy and imagination was preserved and even hurrying dreams and passing forms and conc ealed powers seen in its half light regarded as truths.

Unguided by reason or the soul
An eager spring to seize and to possess
Unguided by reason or the seeing soul
Was its first natural motion and its last,
It squandered life’s force to achieve the impossible:
It scorned the straight road and ran on wandering curves
And left what it had won for untried things;
It saw unrealised aims as instant fate
And chose the precipice for its leap to heaven.

To seize and to possess came naturally to this mind as it chased impossible fantasies heedless of reason or the deeper soul. It loved to wander leaving what it had somehow acquired for things not yet tried or possessed. It longed for instant gratification, to realise difficult things in an instant. Thus it chose the precipice to leap hoping to reach heaven through this blind gesture..

Adventure its system
Adventure its system in the gamble of life,
It took fortuitous gains as safe results;
Error discouraged not its confident view
Ignorant of the deep law of being’s ways
And failure could not slow its fiery clutch;
One chance made true warranted all the rest.

To adventure was in its very system, to gamble for fortuitous gains as f sure of them. Errors and failures did not bring in reason but only encouraged it further. Not aware of the deeper laws that govern life, it pitched its aim at the impossible and tried what was never or seldom achieved.

Attempt not victory
Attempt, not victory, was the charm of life.

Its joy was to attempt even if it ended in sure failure.

Closing Remarks
This adventurer mind breaks into unknown domains by trying out the seemingly impossible. Guided by wishful thinking it is satisfied with half way homes taking them to be sure truths.

It is only divine love which can bear the burden I have to bear, that all have to bear who have sacrificed everything else to the one aim of uplifting earth out of its darkness towards the Divine.