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At the Feet of The Mother

The Divine Manifestation upon Earth and the Doors of Escape

Speaking of Lord’s ability to avoid the complexities of progressive manifestation in creating His worlds – yes He can and indeed He does. All the typal planes of gods etc are created directly by Him. But there is no evolution in these worlds. So the beings of these worlds are static. They are gods but cannot go beyond.

But man is part of the evolutionary world and therefore he can go beyond the gods and become one with God not only in his soul and inner consciousness but also in the very substance of his bodily existence. This is necessarily a long and laborious process and needs full collaboration of man as evolution implies challenges. It is not readymade so to say. The omnipotence and omniscience of God is therefore veiled as a tree dwells veiled in a seed. Slowly it would emerge through the challenges.

The unique thing would be that once fully emerged man will share the practical omniscience and omnipotence of God which even the gods do not. Besides based upon matter there will be concrete bodies for the otherwise formless Omniscience and Omnipotence. These bodies will also multiply the delight of oneness and become delight of the many though a unity in diversity. All this God cannot manifest fully if He remains in His original formless state.

Of course there are souls that find the game tiring and tedious. It is for them that He has opened the gates of Nirvana to escape and retire.

But there are others who love the challenges and the joy of service and the danger and delight of participating in the Divine Manifestation upon earth. For them now the doors of transformation have been opened.

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