A short meditation on Sri Aurobindo’s Gayatri (in rendition of Shruti Nada Poddar) and Pondicherry sunrise. An offering for Aug 15 Darshan of 2023.
ॐ तत् सवितुर् वरं ऱुपं ज्योति परस्य धीमहि ।
यन्नः सत्येन दीपयेत् ॥
Om Tat Savitur Varam Rupam Jyoti Parasya Dhimahi
Yannah Satyena Dipayet.
Literal translation using Sri Aurobindo’s words:
Tat = That
Savitur = Sun-god who is the Creator
Varam = most auspicious
Rupam = form
Jyotih = Light
Parasya = of the Supreme (para = Transcendental)
Dhimahi = meditate on (dhi = Intellect)
Yannah = by which
Satyena = Truth
Dipayet = shall illumine (dipa = light
About Savitri | B1C2-10 Condition of the World (p.18)