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The Voice Replied, pp. 476-477

Opening Remarks
The Voice now gives a whole program for Savitri to follow and prepare herself for her mission.

Remember why thou cam’st
The Voice replied: “Remember why thou cam’st:
Find out thy soul, recover thy hid self,
In silence seek God’s meaning in thy depths,
Then mortal nature change to the divine.

The Voice starts by reminding Savitri about the purpose of her birth. It is the first thing needed, to know why we are here upon earth. This can be done only by discovering our soul, by removing the veil that hangs between our outer nature and the Divine Self within us. In the silence of the Soul can the discovery of God’s purpose in us be made. Then alone by opening a door within our soul and letting it flow into our life that we can find the power to change mortal nature born to ignorance into the divine nature.

Open God’s door
Open God’s door, enter into his trance.

Then a door has to be opened through the soul that connects our life to the Divine. The Voice bids Savitri to enter there in the peace and light of the Divine.

Know and see
Cast Thought from thee, that nimble ape of Light:
In his tremendous hush stilling thy brain
His vast Truth wake within and know and see.

The Voice further bids Savitri to cast Thought and its beliefs and concepts that tie up man to fixed formulas of the past mistaking them for the authentic Light. Rather stilling the brain in the tremendous hush of the Divine Savitri is being asked to awake within and know and see the Vast Truth of God and His Wisdom working in the depths of creation.

See the Eternal
Cast from thee sense that veils thy spirit’s sight:
In the enormous emptiness of thy mind
Thou shalt see the Eternal’s body in the world,
Know him in every voice heard by thy soul,
In the world’s contacts meet his single touch;
All things shall fold thee into his embrace.

The Voice asks Savitri to come out of the snare of the senses that veil the spirit’s sight. Thence in the emptiness of the mind she shall see the world as the body of the Eternal, know him in every voice heard by her soul, feel his touch in the world’s contacts and find His embrace in everything.

Conquer Death
Conquer thy heart’s throbs, let thy heart beat in God:
Thy nature shall be the engine of his works,
Thy voice shall house the mightiness of his Word:
Then shalt thou harbour my force and conquer Death.”

Thence Savitri can conquer her heart that is prone to grief and let it beat in God. Thence her nature will become an instrument and a dynamic engine for God’s works. Thence shall she house the mightiness of God’s Word, the first stir and vibration of Truth, harbour His Force and conquer Death.

A statue of fire
Then Savitri by her doomed husband sat,
Still rigid in her golden motionless pose,
A statue of the fire of the inner sun.

Having heard the Voice, Savitri sat by the side of sleeping Satyavan poised in a golden motionless pose as a statue of fire of the inner sun.

Black night
In the black night the wrath of storm swept by,
The thunder crashed above her, the rain hissed,
Its million footsteps pattered on the roof.

The night was dark and stormy and the thunder crashed above her and the rain hissed and its million footsteps pattered on the roof.

Sought her soul
Impassive mid the movement and the cry,
Witness of the thoughts of mind, the moods of life,
She looked into herself and sought for her soul.

Impassive amidst the movement and the cry, she sat a witness of her thoughts of mind and moods of life, and looked into herself and sought for her soul.

Closing Remarks
Savitri receives a whole program for her yoga and readies herself for the tremendous inner journey, first towards the discovery of her soul.

It is only divine love which can bear the burden I have to bear, that all have to bear who have sacrificed everything else to the one aim of uplifting earth out of its darkness towards the Divine.