To put it paradoxically, when we do not listen to the Will of the Infinite consciously, gladly, then we are compelled to do it unwillingly, unwittingly by the action of countless infinitesimal forces around us. It is not a punishment but simply a course correction, a remedial measure for the earth’s sickness towards which we humans have contributed the most. The remedy too must therefore be found within us. We have deeply wounded the earth by our almost exclusive focus on personal pleasures and selfish advantages to the detriment of all other forms of life and creation. The Earth now needs a healing. It needs rest and respite from us, the disease creating organism, so that it can get back to some level of harmony and operate once again with renewed vigour.
That is what seems to be happening through all this. Man has been forced to stay away for some time while the wounded earth heals itself. The great and ancient mother needs some rest and peace from our excessive noise and machinery and feverish haste and agitation, our mad rush towards satisfying each and every desire from gluttony for all kinds of food to our blind ambition and greed and lust for power and domination and control over the planet. We are being clearly asked to stay away. We are not here to dominate and control by the forces of greed and lust but to serve and love creation, to help and heal, to know and grow on the pathways of oneness.
About Savitri | B1C2-10 Condition of the World (p.18)