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At the Feet of The Mother

The Triumph of Fire p. 21

B1 C2 Movement 7 Passage-by-Passage Summary

Opening remarks
The fire within man is the Light and Power of the Spirit. Man will be truly free and master of his inner and outer life when he shall discover this Agni, the Divine will; uniting oneself with the Divine, he too shall share in the omniscience and omnipotence of the Lord. Such a moment has now come in Savitri’s life.

The victory for God
This truth broke in in a triumph of fire;
A victory was won for God in man,
The deity revealed its hidden face.

As long as we are identified with the body, mind and life, we remain helplessly tied to the mechanical grooves of Nature. It is only when we have discovered the Divine Presence within that we can stand victorious over Nature and hence master of Fate. This is the victory of God in man.

The great World – Mother
The great World-Mother now in her arose:
A living choice reversed fate’s cold dead turn,
Affirmed the spirit’s tread on Circumstance,
Pressed back the senseless dire revolving Wheel
And stopped the mute march of Necessity.

Savitri becomes conscious of who she is, a portion of the Divine Mother who has incarnated upon Earth for a purpose. It is only the Divine Mother’s Grace and Her Force that alone can win the Victory over Death and Falsehood and Ignorance that presently reign over earth-nature and subject it to error and suffering and pain. With Her Grace and Force nothing is impossible.

Flaming warrior from the eternal peaks
A flaming warrior from the eternal peaks
Empowered to force the door denied and closed
Smote from Death’s visage its dumb absolute
And burst the bounds of consciousness and Time.   (End of Canto 2)

Of all the aspects of the Divine Mother, it is Her Warrior aspect, Kali, who holds in herself the Power to open the doors to the Eternal, liberate us from the confining limits of Time and Space, free us from the tyranny of Death, and transform life now rather than hereafter.

Closing remarks
Thus ends this powerful canto that in a way summarises Savitri’s work and mission and brings us in touch with the Divine Mother’s being. Savitri the book and Savitri the incarnate Divine Mother, whose touch we receive through the book, become thereby a means for our own liberation and transformation.

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