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At the Feet of The Mother

The Wedding of the Eternal Lord and Spouse, pp. 410-411 (SH 212)

Savitri Class in Hindi with Alok Pandey
Savitri Book Five: The Book of Love, Canto Three: Satyavan and Savitri

The coming together of Man and Woman is simply a symbol, a distorted reflection in our human Ignorance, of the coming together of two seeming opposites, Purusha and Prakriti, Soul and Matter, Heaven and Earth. Each of this pair fulfills each other and finds its perfect expression in the perfect union of Iswara and Iswari, the Lord and His Shakti. This profound inner truth of our inmost heights is being revealed to us through the marriage of Savitri and Satyavan. Satyavan is none else but the Supreme Lord who has worn a miniature figure in ignorance here. Savitri is the Divine Nature that has assumed a limited form and has come to rescue Satyavan. Such is the nature of their union.

As if inclined before some gracious god
Who has out of his mist of greatness shone
To fill with beauty his adorer’s hours,
She bowed and touched his feet with worshipping hands;
She made her life his world for him to tread
And made her body the room of his delight,
Her beating heart a remembrancer of bliss.
He bent to her and took into his own
Their married yearning joined like folded hopes;
As if a whole rich world suddenly possessed,
Wedded to all he had been, became himself,
An inexhaustible joy made his alone,
He gathered all Savitri into his clasp.
Around her his embrace became the sign
Of a locked closeness through slow intimate years,
A first sweet summary of delight to come,
One brevity intense of all long life.
In a wide moment of two souls that meet
She felt her being flow into him as in waves
A river pours into a mighty sea.
As when a soul is merging into God
To live in Him for ever and know His joy,
Her consciousness grew aware of him alone
And all her separate self was lost in his.
As a starry heaven encircles happy earth,
He shut her into himself in a circle of bliss
And shut the world into himself and her.
A boundless isolation made them one;
He was aware of her enveloping him
And let her penetrate his very soul
As is a world by the world’s spirit filled,
As the mortal wakes into Eternity,
As the finite opens to the Infinite.
Thus were they in each other lost awhile,
Then drawing back from their long ecstasy’s trance
Came into a new self and a new world.
Each now was a part of the other’s unity,
The world was but their twin self-finding’s scene
Or their own wedded being’s vaster frame.
On the high glowing cupola of the day
Fate tied a knot with morning’s halo threads
While by the ministry of an auspice-hour
Heart-bound before the sun, their marriage fire,
The wedding of the eternal Lord and Spouse
Took place again on earth in human forms:
In a new act of the drama of the world
The united Two began a greater age.
In the silence and murmur of that emerald world
And the mutter of the priest-wind’s sacred verse,
Amid the choral whispering of the leaves
Love’s twain had joined together and grew one.
The natural miracle was wrought once more:
In the immutable ideal world
One human moment was eternal made.

[Savitri: 410 – 411]

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